Solar Nutrition in <t.b.a.>
For information about Solar Nutrition proper (Synchrotonic elemental processing) visit: and Also visit Google groups/discussion: solarnutritionanchorage
Adano C. Ley
Contents page 1: Contents and Overview
Page 2: Solar Nutrition on Planet Earth. See also links on Page 7.
Page 3: Explores the (voluntary) chrono~variations of Solar Nutrition that can be choosen during the week of the full moon; Lunar Nutrition, and Full Moon Day (potluck eating day!~'anything goes'). Phase 2 of 3 (Voluntary) of Solar Nutrition: Lunar Nutrition; Week of the full Moon. Phase 2 of 3 (Voluntary) of Solar Nutrition: Lunar Nutrition; Week of the full Moon
Page 4:
Page 5:
Page 6: Angles of view (Angels of Light).
Mistiming, a cause of disease? B) Too fast, or too slow? C) Example(s) of disease caused by mistiming. <t.b.a.> D) Other considerations of health and timing.
Page 7
Links Page! Higher Civilizations that once were here on Earth! Clik the Atlantis link on page 8! The Original human high knowledge civilizations that used to exist on Earth, and this Solar system! The real 'Star Wars' than blew three planets apart! See these websites and more, clik on the Atlantishistory and Mars links on Page 8!
NOTE!* The RAINBOW 'belongs' (and is a sign) to everyone! To every color, every background, both genders, kids big and small regardless of orientation! From NOW TILL ETERNITY!
~Timing~ of elemental processing.
12 midnight until 12 noon ~Raga, Male, Spermal: The photo ~ recharging of the trees.
Breakfast: Tree fruits, tree nuts, and other foods and medicines from trees.
The most optimal time for breakfast is primarily 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (stomach time).
A larger secondary time for breakfast is 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
'Overall time for breakfast' is the full 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. time frame.